Friday, November 03, 2006

I work hard for the hard for the money....

I have a job interview today. I don't want to say anything about it yet, just in case it's a total bust (ahem, like the major technology magazine who called me in to meet the senior staff to see if I would "click" as their editorial assistant, then cancelled the second meeting because I had too much art experience, because, you know, I had accumulated another 16 years of art experience between my first interview and that phone call.) But I have my fingers crossed. I'm a little worried about scheduling and how it will affect my photography, but if they offer me the job, I'll discuss it with them. They're art people, so maybe they'll be sympathetic.

And, speaking of jobs, Box hired me to do another spread. This time, I get total creative freedom (as if I didn't before--they're fantastic). The pictures for this issue won't come out for a looooong time (spring?), so I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I think I'm going to have a lot of fun taking these pictures. Now, maybe I can find a costume store that still sells fake blood...

Also, I have a new* bodyguard. His name is Lee, he's utterly fantastic and adorable, and he'll definitely come in handy in my line of work. Get it? Handy? Erotic Photography? I slay me...

*No, I didn't have an "old" bodyguard. My boyfriend works during the day at his fancy-schmancy, super-secret internet browser paradise (I know you're reading this, J), and he never comes to my shoots (loo-zah), so he was never considered a bodyguard.


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