Yeah, I haven't been doing much....
I might have a shoot in a few weeks, but it's still up in the air. I've been busy at NMWA (LOVE it, though), and the only shots I've taken are either practice photo so I could get used to my camera, or dinky snapshots of my cats for when I move to SF in August. Like this:

Oh yeah, high art right there....

Oh yeah, high art right there....
hey - sometimes when you're shooting the outcome gives you a vision or direction for something later -p
Your site blurb says "I take pictures of people having sex and call it art." Nicely straightforward and honest. But this is rapidly becoming one of those Web sites full of cat photos.
When can we get some shots of cats having sex?
I'm just joking around. I like the blog, keep it up, give us photos of whatever you like.
hey now, it's technically a "pussy shot"....
and i have a shoot on the 23rd. fresh meat. happy now? :)
Clearly you don't read my blog, or you'd know that nothing makes me happy. I am a cranky jerk.
"Pussy shot." Now that's funny.
that's ok, i'm not a huge fan of people, generally, so we're even.
this is a really strong photo. the colour and compoistion are excellent, and i would really like a print.
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