Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Oh My God!

Thanks to Bunny, Vix, and the AMAZING people at Box Magazine (seriously, if you don't know who they are/what that is at this point, go to and give them all your money), Terry Richardson has a copy of my flipbook. His reaction? "Oh my God!"

My sentiments exactly.

Oh, and I'm working on a book proposal for a publisher who really likes me. More on that later.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New Book

Just found out I made the cover of "My Lesbian Eye No. 6" from Konkurbusch. Cool.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's Official!

1. The Boy will be starting his Ph.D at Berkeley in the fall, which means, theoretically, I'll be in SF for another six or so years. Sorry.

2. The flipbooks arrived! I haven't seen them yet (soon, maybe tomorrow), but I hear they rock. Want one? Contact Box Magazine,, get one, then find me and I'll write you a little note in it.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

R.I.P Kurt Vonnegut

Best. Writer. Ever. You will be missed.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Message

Dear single, horny men,
I cannot find you single girls to fuck. Please stop emailing me. Thanks.


In other news, I'm bored. I need something to photograph. Fashion, portraits, anything.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Two things

1. I got into NYU. I'm probably not going. Long story.

2. One of the perks of being a "professional photographer" (and I say that with quotation marks because the only difference between my life now and my life six months ago is now I do silly things like say no to NYU) is that I can travel for photo shoots and write them off as business expenses. So, if you're not in SF, and you want a shoot, I now feel like I can actually travel out to see you. I can't promise it will be anytime soon, but I can try to make it out to you. So, if you're interested, pop me an email--I'll file them all away and start planning some trips. It might also inspire me to start working on a second book on various erotic travels. Where's the first book? Another long story. Let me have some more shoots so I can finish it.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Look, I'm not Dead!

I've been sitting on this photo for a while. As in, she's no longer pregnant, and hasn't been for a while. So let me just say that you can add this to my top favorite photos.

It goes without saying that I'm always looking for models. Sex, portraiture, whatever. Any takers?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Operation Gallerina: Completed

No more gallery. Bring on the models!