A Temporary Halt on Pictures
Me: Hi, yeah, I've had my camera for about five days, and now the battery is stuck inside. Can you please help?
Camera Dude (CD): Whooo-eee! That's an interesting problem! Have you just tried whacking it a few times.
Me: Yes. But I'm also afraid I'll break it, or give it mechanical whiplash or something. I have no clue what happened.
CD: Ok, well, let me see what I can do.
(CD carefully hides behind a display so I can't see him. I could care less, I'm too busy caught up reading an interesting article about how Bush may or may not be the worst president in history.)
Ten minutes later....
CD: It's stuck.
Me: That's not an acceptable answer. See, that's why I'm here...
So, no pictures for a while. It's actually a good time for a broken camera (if there is one) because all my models are in finals season, and are too busy to get naked anyway.
CD did recommend a camera repair place called Strauss' or something. So, anyone know anything about them, or know of a good place to go? I'm going to call the place where I got the camera to see if that have any preferences as to how I take care of this so they can't later accuse me of breaking it and forcing me to pay another $2000 i don't really have to buy another camera.